With Rabbi Ilyse S. Kramer, via Zoom
Join us for two-sessions to prepare and return, again… we will explore some of the texts and ideas Rabbi Sharon Brous teaches in her book as spiritual tools and guidance. In addition, offer a few hands-on practices we can try out ourselves and with our family members during this Elul month of spiritual preparation.
It’s that time of the year, again… the heat of the summer passes into the relief of cooler autumn air to breathe in—breathe in big and deep!
How do we begin (again) to prepare for the High Holy season this year? Where are we on the “lap” or “labyrinth” of our life-journey?
Let’s start by exploring what Rabbi Sharon Brous calls, “The Amen Effect.” Think of it as throwing some pebbles into the water and watching how the ripples move out in circular motion, ever expanding and widening. Yep—as singer, songwriter, Annie Zylstra, teaches us: “I believed in solid ground… until I saw the earth in motion; in the winds of steady change; and in the in the ever-rolling ocean.”
So, what’s the amen effect? Rabbi Brous’ teachings remind us that the remedy for a fractured world is human connection. The Amen Effect, then, is a powerful call for each of us to show up for other people—see them fully—and hold them close. Faith. Courage. Hope. The spiritual “trifecta” that intersects our lives as well as others.
This powerful book,The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Mend Our Broken Hearts and World, by Sharon Brous is available for purchase on Amazon.
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