Lifecycle events, from birth to b’mitzvah to marriage, are special moments that encourage our awareness of our many blessings. We look back with awe at how far we have traveled since the last great milestone, and we allow ourselves a glimpse into the future. At CJC we celebrate our members’ high moments as a community and support each other through our saddest moments. Rabbi Michael Hess Webber is available to talk and also to help you design a customized life cycle ceremony. All fees for lifecycle events are included with CJC membership.
For more information contact the CJC Office, 410-730-6044.
In the event of a lifecycle emergency please contact Rabbi Michael Hess Webber, 301-275-7849
Our clergy is available to co-officiate with a mohel in the Brit Milah ceremony that welcomes a baby boy into the covenant of the Jewish people and bestows upon him his Hebrew name. For more information please contact the CJC Office, 410-732-6044.
Naming and blessing a Jewish girl can be her first welcome into Jewish life. The naming may take place within the congregational community at Shabbat services or you may choose to have a private naming ceremony in your home. It is usually held on Shabbat morning and can be flexible to accommodate your circumstances. Please contact the CJC office, 410-730-6044 for more information.
Our goal is for a B’Mitzvah to be a meaningful experience for the entire family. Congregational membership, involvement and school enrollment are all important parts of the process. To review CJC’s B’Mitzvah Guidelines, please click here.
Mazel tov! Life partnerships are to be treasured and celebrated. Speak to our clergy early in your wedding planning process. Rabbi Michael Hess Webber officiates weddings, including interfaith and same-sex ceremonies. If you have any questions concerning your upcoming Jewish wedding, please feel free to contact the CJC Office, 410-730-6044.
The Jewish way of dealing with death is one part of a larger philosophy of life in which all people are viewed with dignity and respect. Even after death, the body, which once held a holy human life, retains its sanctity. Our sages have compared the sacredness of the deceased to that of an impaired Torah scroll, which although no longer usable, still retains its holiness. In Jewish tradition therefore, the greatest consideration and respect is accorded the dead.
Jewish law and tradition have endowed funeral and mourning practices with profound religious significance. To this end, Jewish funerals avoid ostentation; family and visitors reflect in dress and deportment the solemnity of the occasion; flowers are inappropriate, embalming and viewing are avoided; and internment takes place as soon as possible after death.
If you would like to learn more about Chevra Kadisha or prepare end of life planning, please contact David Zinner,
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