Shabbat Services

Our Friday evening Shabbat Services (7:30pm) and Saturday Morning Shabbat Services (10:00am) are currently being held in-person at Oakland Mills Interfaith Center and virtually via Zoom.

Click here to register to receive a Friday night connection link.
Click here to register to receive a Saturday Morning connection link.

CJC has services every Shabbat on Friday night and Saturday morning.   Join us for  the services that suit you and your family.  Check our calendar to see the type(s) of services for a particular Shabbat.


Literally, Amen means to believe. It is a congregation’s way of saying what s/he said applies to me too. I am in this with you. Mishkan Venice has developed this campaign of either using a paper to visually see the words Amen or to learn the sign for Amen. The religious practices committee thought this might be meaningful to try here. So if you are game, go this this website: and actively participate in our Shabbat services.

Friday Night Shabbat Service

Currently being held in-person and via Zoom. Click here to register to receive a Friday night connection link.

Click here to download our Friday Evening Prayer Book

Our Friday evening Shabbat services (7:30pm) are family-friendly and for all ages. Services are filled with music, prayers, readings and community. All are welcome to attend worship services at CJC! Services are held at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center, 5885 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia.

Saturday Morning Service

Currently being held in-person and via Zoom. Click here to register to receive a Saturday Morning connection link.

Click here to view Kol Haneshema, our Saturday Morning Shabbat Prayer Book

Saturday Morning Lay Led Shabbat Morning Service

10:00am Saturday Morning Shabbat Service held at the Oakland Mills Meeting House. The service is lay-led. Would you like to volunteer to lead a service, present the Drosh or Leyn Torah? Contact Joe Bergstein to volunteer.