A. The word Haggadah means “the Telling.” On many other festivals we are commanded to listen. We must hear the Megillah on Purim; we must hear the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. But on Pesach, we are commanded to speak. We must speak of our past, we must tell our own stories, and we must seek out our voice. Introduce yourself by sharing your name according to your paternal and maternal line. (Haggadot.com)
B. There is a Sephardic (Iraqi or Afghani) custom of turning to the person beside you, asking these three questions and offering the three brief answers.
C. In Morocco and Tunisia you would begin the Seder by circling the Seder plate over the heads of each participant while saying “In Haste we left Egypt” The response is “We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt.”
3. I found this meaningful quote on Ritualwell.org: “The beginning of the Seder seems strange. We start with Kiddush as we normally would when we begin any festive meal. Then we wash, but without a blessing, and break bread without eating it. What’s going on here? It seems that the beginning of the Seder is kind of a false start. We act as if we are going to begin the meal but then we realize that we can’t – we can’t really eat this meal until we understand it, until we tell the story of the exodus from Egypt. So we interrupt our meal preparations with maggid (telling the story). Only once we have told the story do we make Kiddush again, wash our hands again (this time with a blessing) and break bread and eat it! In order to savor this meal, in order to appreciate the sweet taste of Passover, we must first understand it. ”
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