CJC is sponsoring a series of speakers on “How Our Neighbors View Immigration Issues. ” Diverse perspectives and experiences will be presented from the Indian-American, Korean-American, Hispanic and Quaker communities. Learn about their shared and varied viewpoints on this very complex topic. These presentations will be offered in a respectful non-adversarial atmosphere and are open to the public.
October 15, 2019 Pravin Ponnuri
The first Indian-American to run for the school board in Howard County discusses his viewpoint and experience from over 20 years of living in the US.
October 22, 2019 Roz Zinner and Bette Hoover
Each of these speakers – Ms. Zinner from CJC and Ms. Hoover from Patapsco Friends Meeting (Quaker) – are hosting immigrants applying for asylum and will explain the process, joy and challenge of their generosity towards ‘the stranger.’
October 29, 2019 Pastor Kyu Kim
This prominent pastor and community leader from the Korean-American community discusses his viewpoint and those of his parishioners on immigration.
November 12, 2019 Dr. Anita Padney
This Indian-American academic and advocate for immigrants discusses her work and how many low-income Hispanic immigrants fare in Howard County.
For more information call 410-730-6044.
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