Elul: A Month of Preparation

The rabbis said that the time between Selichot and Rosh Hashanah, and Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are intense periods of preparation for the sacred High Holy Days. We have asked some CJC members to share with us what they find meaningful during the High Holy Days with the goal of enhancing all of our experience.
Beginning September 11, 2020, new content will be added daily!
Thank you to Roni Berkowitz and Matt Fagan for stewarding this program. Thank you also to everyone who shared their thoughts and feelings. You all have so much to offer us!
L’shanah Tovah! May it be a good and healthy New Year for all of us.
September 11 Rabbi Sonya Starr Rosh Chodesh Elul
September 13 Elijah Singleton Blowing the Shofar
September 14 Neil Fagan  
September 15 Sophia Ross  
September 16 Dalia Kintisch  
September 17 Sarah and Joanna Blackman  
September 21 Gabriel Holgate  
September 22 Josh Fagan  
September 23 Cantor Linda Baer  
September 24 Cantor Jan Morrison