Kulam: CJC’s 8th Grade Class


In October, we are launching a new 8th Grade group called Kulam and I am writing because I would LOVE for you to be a part of it!
Our meetings will be every other week (on the weeks that Teen Class is off). In our meetings, you will have a chance to ask big questions about where, why and how you belong while exploring identity, equity and justice with Jewish wisdom as a guide. AND BONUS you get to hang with other 8th graders and eat pizza too!

Parents, this program will help teens to reconnect with each other in brave, safe spaces that foster open and honest discussions.

Kulam’s** Educational Objectives  

  • Participants will discover aspects of their beliefs, needs and identities and develop healthy strategies for self-disclosure and self-care.
  • Participants will connect to and develop empathy for people with different identities and perspectives than their own.
  • Participants will reflect on their role within their family, their social groups, the Jewish community, and the wider world, in service of making the world more just.
  • Teens will experience a sense of belonging and feel connected to Jewish community and Jewish wisdom

Our new Kulam program is designed to equip our 8th Graders with the skills to engage in dynamic and authentic relationships in order to:

  • think reflectively,
  • act courageously,
  • develop healthy and caring communities.

The cost of the class will be $36 (double chai). This payment helps subsidize the cost of our pizza dinners.

Click here for a schedule of class dates.

Click here to register for Kulam